Butterfly Tattoo Design

Butterfly Tattoo Design 
There are many reasons why people love getting tattoos. One reason is the meaning that a tattoo can carry. Another reason would be the aesthetic pleasure of color and the design. The third reason would be the way the tattoo could change a person. A tattoo can change your look and attitude. One tattoo that has all three of these features would be the butterfly tattoo design.
The butterfly design has recently become very popular with women. Throughout the world, the butterfly tattoo has been seen as a symbol of life, reincarnation, resurrection and love. In nature, butterflies are beautiful and peaceful animals. Therefore, it is no wonder why so many women have taken to these designs. You might have seen many samples of butterfly tattoo designs through flash art or on somebody else.
There are many reasons why the butterfly design is a great tattoo. First, they look good in almost any size. Some people get a tattoo no larger than a quarter while others get a butterfly tattoo across their entire back. Second, butterfly designs lend themselves to thousands of color variation. Because these creatures are very bright and colorful, so are the tattoos. Lastly, these tattoos can be placed almost anywhere on a woman's body and look good.
The most popular place to get a butterfly design would be on the lower back by utilizing a centered image like the butterfly and sprawling vines and flowers. With the placement of this tattoo, you can add a friendly and beautiful design in a partial visible place. Even though it is a common design, many designs can be customized and made to be unique.
There are two other popular places that the butterfly designs are placed. The shoulder and the ankle. The foot is perfect if you want to show off your butterfly tattoo in the summer time or when lounging around. On the other hand, the shoulder tattoo is a little more private and can be shown when wearing a tank top. Either of these places will serve exemplary for your butterfly tattoo.
Butterfly tattoo designs are great tattoos because they are appropriate in any situation. There is nothing demeaning and butterfly designs are perfect complimentary tattoos. It is a tattoo that will also look good, as you get older too. The butterfly tattoo can carry a significant message. How you present it in relation to yourself is up to you.

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